Revelation, Prophecy and the BIBLE !


Question: Is the Vision described in the book of Revelation considered a prophecy?  If so, what are some possible interpretations of the visions?

There is much human striving not just in Revelation; but many parts of Scripture!

There is good comment from well versed and well-read people from all over the world, one such being from Sydney, Australia.

However; my own view after my own prayerful studies over approx. 60+ years is that, as per the whole Bible, not just Revelation, is the Mind of God in Print for those that are called “the Body of Christ Jesus”.

Christ-Ones, (Christians true) because of their Belief and tenacity, hold on to the statement of 2Tim. 3:16–17; and 2Peter 1:16:21, which states the Origin of the Words of the “Holy Bible”.

In that work and endeavour, they have to bear in mind the warning given in Col. 2:8–10; which is one of the main routes of our great enemy Satan, especially as so much of the world’s population is now educated, and able to access information at great speed; which works in the positive and the negative.

From then on “the Just shall live by Faith” (Hab. 2:4; Rms.1:17 & 10:17; Gal. 3:11 & Heb.10:38); and await the call to Rapture or Resurrection/s, prior to, or close to the return of Christ Jesus Messiah; which will be the most dramatic for the nation of Israel, because they will see “their Messiah of prophecy”, Whom they Crucified, and denied at Acts 28:25–28!

That experience for them will be one of “great mourning” (Zech.12:10); and is the perfect example of the whole nation of Israel falling under the “spell” of the Religious Philosophy of the Pharisaic Leaders of Israel; which led to the whole Nation being declared “Lo-Ammi”; and the Gospel of Jesus Christ being prioritised to the Gentiles!

That is still the case at present, and will remain so until Rom. 11:25–27 & 9:24–33, when the beginning of the restoration of Israel will show: Ezek. 39:21–29!

What will follow will be the 1000 year Reign of Christ Jesus and Almighty God from Jerusalem; which will be a strict conformity to Almighty God’s Standards, and will return the Earth’s surviving peoples to A Reverence of the Creator of all things!  The population will still have “free-will” during this period, but Satan will be imprisoned for the duration; which means that people’s wrong doings will be to their own account!

That will take place after the “sheep and goat judgement” of Matt. 25: 31–46!

Regarding the direct question on Revelation above; for those who are particularly interested in Revelation, our own notes are in the Link below, but please do your own study comparisons, as they are just our notes!  This is important, as a special blessing is promised to those that study Revelation in Rev. 1:3!



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